10:00 - 10:20 Hovor s Vietem Tranem alias Vietnamcem z Hané
Žurnalista, fotograf a muž mnoha talentů Viet Tran nám popovídá o svých cestách po Asii a promítne svoje krásné fotky v živém vstupu přímo z Koreji! (Doufejme, že Jižní).
Hosté: Viet Tran https://twitter.com/VietnamecZHane
10:20 - 11:00 Difference between owning a lolita brand in Czechia vs USA
Are you a harajuku fashion fan? Then you can't miss this interview! We will talk with Kei LaVonne, the owner and artist of the brand Neant Glass and Yuki, the owner of the lolita brand Sleeping Doll and the person in charge of the Animefest's fashion line! We will discuss everything from how to start your own brand to artistic inspiration. You can also ask live questions, but beware - this interview will be fully in English.
Hosté: Kei LaVonne https://www.neantglass.com/
Yuki https://sleepingdollyuki.eu/